Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Missing Option X Payment Issue: Solved :)

it has been weeks of

sending links and screenshots

to and fro and ended up like

- did you see the one i sent?

- which app is that?

- which area is that?


which is which are you

actually talking about?


i really wanted to sit down

with my boss to

review the place

before i proceed to

make the booking


and yesterday

and the day before


we finally got to and

booked the accommodation

for our family trip to

Tokyo next month


then issue happened again

who knows why

but i am quite used to it



something will somehow

make the journey somewhere

somewhat more memorable


first issue encountered

they no longer accept PayPal


initially i thought it was

due to individual options

but i have browsed at least

10 properties and all of them

are showing these 3 options only



so i had to resort to a card

and another issue popped up

we tried two credit cards

and two debits cards

from 3 different banks


and they were somehow rejected

in different ways

Booking via Home AwayBooking via Home Away


so i dropped Home Away a query

and they promised to

look into it


in the meantime

i logged in on desktop

and what the …

they actually still

accept PayPal after all

Booking via Home Away


and then

i got response

from their customer service

mentioning that

they actually saw that

there is a successfully booking done

Booking via Home Away 


yeah i told them

that i finally discovered

there is PayPal option

on the desktop version and

informed about the bug on the app



and next..

the stay request

was approved by the

Japanese host pretty fast

and that’s so nice of them


to send me a long text

which i offered to

forward them to my


i know this is just a

simple act of copy and past

but yet..

i do appreciate their effort

in communicating with the guests

even before arrival

Booking via Home Away 


and they even care about

these details and

are willing to arrange for

early check-in if available

(most of the check-in time is 4 PM)

Booking via Home Away


and i am expecting them

to send a copy of

detailed guide of

getting to the property

from Narita / whichever airport

you are flying in from



i have not posted about

the awesome stay at Osaka

which was like 6 months ago?

Did I?