Monday, May 29, 2017

5 Month Memory X Back, Partially: Feeling Lucky

was really upset about

losing my photos from my phone

due to overlap naming



the auto naming are

IMG 0001 – IMG 9999


so when i was transferring photos

to a common folder

there are duplicated files

with the same names

in fact they different photos

taken at different times


when option popped up

i actually chose

not to replace the files

i.e. the younger file

with the same name were

automatically gone


technically speaking

there was a gaps of 3000 photos

during mid Sept to Feb

judging from the names


thank goodness

i have parked my travel photos

into individual albums


and today

suddenly managed to salvage more

from gaps of deleted photos



i am trying to figure out

how should i put this in words

i don’t even know what i have said

upstairs are making good sense



Jan 2016 – Sept 2016

The images completed a circle of

IMG 0001 – IMG 9999


Sept 2016 – Feb 2017

Another complete circle of

IMG 0001 – IMG 9999


when two circles of photos

were parked under the same folder

some from the second folder

were lost in the process

due to the same names


however in the process

some photos from the first circle

got deleted or transferred elsewhere


let’s say

I have transferred IMG 0001- 0050

taken during Jan 2016

to a new photo album


so those new photos

named IMG 0001- 0050

taken during Sept 2016

were actually saved because

they automatically filled in

the naming gap


of course

the gaps are actually in random orders

but it’s better than none


let’s see what are the memories

I have managed to save

they are actually pretty small

or really not important

but still…


over the span of

Halloween, Christmas

and Lunar New Year


Oct 04, 2016

hot tau-fu-fah

by the roadside

Hot Taufu-Fah at Ong Kim Wee Road


Oct 08, 2016

my first UNO

being an idiot in

any form of card games

obviously.. buying this

thanks to the design

Mario UNO pack


Oct 08,

another two pairs

were on the way


3 new family members

have been added

my white kick family


Oct 09, 2016

someone is being not natural

being next to a pretty girl

Sunday night market X playground session


Oct 10, 2016



the failed project... we all know of


Oct 12, 2016

Cotton On window display

for Halloween last year

with the reflection of

adidas signboard

definitely not duplicate-able

because adidas has closed down

few months ago

Cotton On Halloween window display


Nov 11, 2016

Happy Single Day

i have not taken such selfie

for months

don't know what is this called, knitted dress?knitted on knitted


Nov 14, 2016

Isn’t he cute?

the cute boy we met at the food court


Nov 21, 2016

the huge reindeer display

which really awed me

being in a small city

Reindeer Christmas Display, Dataran Pahlawan Mall


Nov 22, 2016

a monkey was feasting on

leftover chips at tourist attraction

didn’t see him much after that

happily bringing apple

to see if we will bump into him again

Monkey eating chips


Dec 12, 2016

i decided that

it’s a fun thing going around

feeding reindeer

it’s actually a sign of

post-travel withdrawal symptom

that we didn’t make it to Nara

eat baby eat...


Dec 24, 2017

Christmas’s Eve shopping

with my mom

10 AM in the morning, what do you expect


and ended up buying

this Christmas gift for my bestie

which looks more like

a Lunar New Year gift

my first tea set


Dec 25, 2016

Christmas shopping with this girl

it has already become a norm

whenever i go shopping with them

i end up buying her stuff instead of mine

crap.. that pair of Vans slip on I have been finding


Jan 25, 2017

trying to look busy

in fact i wasn’t

in conjunction with

Lunar New Year

Me in my favourite RB and UT


to throw or not to throw

the usual question during Spring Cleaning

ya… it goes all back

being a freaking collector

i used these for school project and

autograph writing..

that kind of thing we used to do

before high-school graduation

PILOT was a big thing back then


Jan 27, 2017

our Lunar New Year lunch

guess my favourite dish... curry potato 24/7


Jan 30, 2017

my mom and my cousins’ kids


they were playing some London Bridge or something
