Thursday, March 2, 2017

Gel Lyte X Tubular: What ’Bout the Quota

i would like to officially

withdraw my statement

two days ago which goes like:



it nevertheless feels

good to be poor


because whenever

i thought of buying something

i was reminded of how poor i am

and i can’t even afford it

given the critical limit

in my daily transaction account


and habit forming

is a funny thing

once you are used to it

it will stay with you

they say it’s a 21 day circle


but now i somehow

don’t have any urge

to buy anything

nothing at all”


was casually scrolling FB

and i came across this post

by Sole What and

i was really determined to get this

like not now, but as soon as

there’s some promotion on the website

Vans Old Skool Style 36


then i can’t really find

it on the website though

and i made a routine check

if there’s any pair of

Gel Lyte III on sale

no luck as well


then i saw Mario X Vans

was on sale but

that was not something

i would wear for real

it’s more of a collectible


suddenly remember that

the competitor of “Sole What”

named “Cross Over”

wait a minute

i have not checked out their site


not even once

i assume they have one

and indeed i happened to

bump into Gel Lyte III

at that unbelievably low price

with my size available

Screen Shot 03-02-17 at 10.40 PM



ASICS GEL-Lyte III “Rose Gold” PackAdidas Tubular Viral Blue


my annual quota for sneakers is

2 pairs but wait..

i got 4 pairs last year

2 online 2 offline

this was unintentional though


felt it’s a bit too early

to finish off the quota

the year just started not too long ago

what if i bumped into nicer pairs

later down the road??


let me think about it

and if i still feel like buying

tomorrow morning

then i will proceed to then