Thursday, December 24, 2015

Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 04: Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠

this is a little further away

from the main old street

yet it is definitely worth the walk


built in 1887

well preserved Chao Zhou

stone and wood carving



the dengue campaign banner is blocking

my view from snapping photos

Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠


the stone carving outside

it used to be colorful i guess

but would rather it stays this way

instead of repainting it with glossy colours

Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠


the building itself isn’t big

a basic courtyard before the main hall

i am crazily in love with

this idea of a courtyard

like basking under the sun

yet still in your very own compound

typical anti-socialist type of

outdoor fun

Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠


too bad for the interior

the furniture are no longer there

it’s pretty sad to be greeted by

a wooden shelf printed on paper

in the main hall

Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠


the essence is all on top

Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠


yet thank goodness

they did some blown-up of

the carving and provide

explanation on the signifance

most of these came from

classical folktales

Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠


i guess the caretakers must be pretty amused

none of the folks spent more than

10 minutes in here

Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠P1310108Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 - Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠


rough idea of where is it

it is quite offbeat from

the main Paifang Street

2015.12.23 Chao Zhou


Chao Zhou Old City 潮州古城 series

0.5: In/Out ChaoZhou 出入潮州

01: Kai Yuan Temple 開元寺

02: Memorial Arch St 牌坊街

03: Jiadi Lane 甲地巷

04: Huang Ancestral Hall 已略黃公祠

05: Guangji Gate & Bridge 廣濟門.橋

06: CZ Embroidery-CZ Museum 潮繡-潮州博物館