Wednesday, September 16, 2015

CD/成都/01: Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子

it has been 3 months since ChengDu

and 1 month countdown until the next

yet I haven’t blogged a single thing


somehow I don’t know

probably because I was still

mourning for the Snoopy pouch I lost

sob.. sob

thanks for reminding


probably since that was my first official

“work & travel” trip

literally working while travelling

as a freelancer


I know that sounds awesome for some

as as a freelancer

you are given the mobility to

however it somehow still comes with some cost


typing at the airport the whole night until 7am

it went on in the hotel room every night

basically your holiday is not exactly one


kinda lost the 100% carefree feeling

while travelling hence

losing some interest in experiencing the place


I snapped 427 photos on my camera

ain’t no kidding you, baby

427, well sort of like my lucky number

which is like the least ever


I was surprised as I found

pictures from last year in the same folder


anyway these pictures are the

essence of the best throughout the trip

I hope


as I flipped through the photos

okay, it wasn’t that bad after all

with the exception of that missing pouch crap

craps.. stop that

end of chapter for that, alright


so we gonna start off with my

very last stop in Chengdu

KuanZhai Alley 寬窄巷子


it literally means Wide-Narrow Alleys

yeah, that pretty much explains

what the whole place is all about


it was some army residences here

the officers were staying at the Wide Alley

while the lower ranks were at the Narrow one


but just to add on

in fact, there’s a third ally in between

known as 井巷, the Well Alley

no, it doesn’t mean the neck alley

haha that’s not even funny


rebuilt as a tourist destination

but pretty well preserved

some were reconstruction,

made to look old

bars vs vintage café and even

some theatres which offers Sichuan Opera

little souvenir stores vs art galleries 

fine dining vs street food

between the contemporary and tradi 

blended into perfect harmony  

Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都


not forgetting this

btw I actually didn’t snap the

horse which was featured in the

in-flight magazine I saw as an icon for

contemporary art

Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都


whenever you go

there’s always one for you

Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都


right across the main road is

the People Park 人民公園

whereby the “Chengduists” hang out and chill

they are pretty famous for chilling, huh 

sadly speaking, which I had given a miss

Kuan Zhai Alley 寬窄巷子, Chengdu 成都



KuanZhai Alley as a wrap-up

was kinda thankful as I finally got here

would have dropped by more than once

if I have come earlier on


how to get here

nearest Metro

People’s Park 人民公園


it’s away from the main road

the 3 alleys are parallel with the main road

therefore not at all visible

but follow the crowd and

you can’t go wrong