Saturday, July 4, 2015

SxS Kitchen: Mee (Spaghetti) Goreng Mamak

Mee (Spaghetti) Goreng Mamak

Mee Goreng Mamak =

Fried Noodle Mamak

one of the most popular main dishes from

any typical Mamak store


replaced the fresh yellow noodle with

spaghetti I found in the kitchen since

I somehow suddenly thought of

frying some spaghetti for dinner


we gonna most probably

end up at mamak store anyway

so let’s duplicate some mamak flavour at home



spaghetti is definitely more springy in terms of texture

taste-wise, you can’t tell the difference, as

it absorbs the flavour as good as yellow noodle


- Preboil some spaghetti

- In a strainer, run the hot spaghetti under cold water

- Drain it

- Fry an egg (I used two), scrambled, set it aside 


- Reheat the frying pan, with some oil

- Scoop in some Sambal (chili) paste

- Here comes the drained noodle

- Also some beansprout, shredded celery, green chilies


- Green chili is essential for the “mamak”ish flavour

- Then the fried egg and some fried anchovies

- Lastly some raw bean sprout


the bean sprout is purposely left for the last

for the raw and crunchy flavour



my dad said (complained in a proper way)

the noodle is too springy

well, that’s what I like

should have thought of that


in the afternoon

I actually wanted to cook something

he said just leave it

probably he doesn’t have much faith in me

and suggested me to pack something

from the vegetarian store

around the corner



absolutely no!!

that’s too boring


to his surprise

I suggested Bah Kut The instead

a.k.a. pork bone soup

served with yam rice

which he ate to his heart’s content


and blurp..

I had such large portion of pork

which is more than

what I could have eaten in a month


for the intermediate level

I should be learning how to

make the chili paste from scratch

that being the secret weapon