Monday, April 27, 2015

Can’t Ask X for More: Thank’u All

went out with missC

haven’t met for quite awhile

like at least a year


went round and round

and stopped by for some snack


after about 3 hours

we were about to part

she took out a small box



she kept the precious cake for all three hours

and afraid of getting it crushed all the way

she could have just given

there you go but

she kept it till the very last


a big little surprise

sob sob…


and got a text from Mag2

exactly at 12 a.m.

wishing me happy birthday

sob sob


meeting her up next week

I mean later this week

loads to catch up too


earlier this week

my niece drew me a birthday card

at first she borrowed my pencil case

then she slotted something in there


when she returned the case

saying she got something for me in there

there I saw

it’s a birthday card


so I got them all

thank you, ALL

being a recluse is not so alone, after all



= back to square one


8:30 AM

turned on my PC to

find more surprises


Personalized!! indeed

that explains why I am a fan of Google

(that doesn’t include Android, though)

2015.04.27 Happy birthday


as well as on Skype!!

least expected of all

a client from Macau

wished me happy birthday too


she is one of the best client s

but you don’t expect client to do that

do you?


feeling loved!!