Saturday, August 16, 2014

Non-Stop-Haunted X Love-Intoxicated: Can I be Your Baby? <Translated>

looping and looping this song

over and over

i think i am going nuts, baby


Can I be Your Baby? / SADON




好想藉機 禮貌性的合影

Wow what a gorgeous body

but i can only steal glance

really want to find an excuse

to have a picture together



好想知道 你感興趣的話題

Even your voice sounds cool

i pretend to be calm

by pinching myself

really feel like knowing

what topic you are interested in

譬如說 這幾天 想去哪裡

要不要 來我家 看看貓咪

還是說 你習慣 早睡早起

吃早餐 也可以

Eg: where would you like to go

in the couple of days

would you like to come to my place

to look at the kitten?

or maybe you are used to

waking up early

having breakfast together is fine too

我白色洋裝 為了你

我藍色短裙 也為了你


Can i be your baby?

my little white,

it’s just for you

my blue short shirt,

it’s for you too

becoming limited edition

to rob your heart

Can i be your baby?



好想故意 不小心來個巧遇

thinking of you 24 hours

looks like you even appear

in my dream

feel like purposely

staging a coincident bump-into

我好像 神經病 晃來晃去

把情節 把對話 重複練習

說不定 你習慣 中午才醒

吃午餐 也可以

i am like a lunatic

walking to and fro

rehearsing our conversations

maybe you are used to

waking up after noon

having lunch together is fine too

我白色洋裝 為了你

我藍色短裙 也為了你


Can i be your baby?

my little white,

it’s just for you

my blue short shirt,

it’s for you too

becoming limited edition

to rob your heart

Can i be your baby?

我紅色外套 為了你

我黑色禮服 也為了你


my red jacket

it’s just for you

my little black gown

it’s for you too

my love for you is not the

“For a Limited Only” edition

為什麼 這麼想 想靠近你

為什麼 這麼想 想送給你

為什麼 這麼想 想配合你


why do i really feel like

approaching you?

why do i really feel like

buying you something?

why do i feel like suiting you?

can we actually get together?

就算全世界 退流行

就算有個人 被你想起


Can i be your baby?

even if the whole world is

out of trend

even if there is someone

you thought of who is

so cheapstake to

hurt your feeling

can i be your baby?

我紅色外套 為了你

我黑色禮服 也為了你


Can i be your baby?

my red jacket

it’s just for you

my little black gown

it’s for you too

my love for you is not the

“For a Limited Only” edition


-The End-