Thursday, July 17, 2014

Stephelle’s Kitchen: Coconutreat

was telling Fat during lunch that

I am suddenly craving for these two

coconut delicacies

Putu Mayam and Putu Piring



I will buy for you later


oh man, really?

at this jungle you mean

I can get my two favourite at once?


and usually they are not even

served at the same hour of the day

one more like a breakfast,

another as afternoon tea or dinner snack

well, thanks to

the Ramadhan bazaar


he sent them to me

still hot

at work, around 7

I ended up at home by 9


and I was like

okay I will give it a little try

before I have my proper dinner

then I ended up eating

just standing right there and

finished them right away

Putu Bamboo X Putu Mayam


this is Putu Bamboo

rice cake with coconut filling

steamed in a bamboo mold

another version is Putu Piring

Piring simply means saucer

so it differs in terms of shape, that’s all

the one I used to have was plain rice

this one which comes with Panda flavour

was really really good 

Putu Bamboo


then, here comes Putu Mayam

plain rice noodle shaped like noodle-cake

served with grated coconut and sweeteners

this version is kinda healthy because

it comes with brown sugar

Putu Mayam


Putu Mayam is kinda easy

maybe I should consider

making them at home really


and thanks to Fat

for fulfilling my sudden craving

yesteday was a really really good day

since I got my confirmation letter

after a long wait of 6 months


I think the usual probation is 3

plus a handsome increment and

Fat already asked me to

give him a treat before

I even got it


that Fat

all he thinks of is Food