Sunday, July 20, 2014

Ride Hitched X Sudden Ditched: Be Thankful, Bitch

4:45 am

a friend who was supposed to

go to fetch a friend of his at town centre

was asking if I would like to

join him for the pick-up and

we may have breakfast together too


Since I had planned to

make a trip downtown today

because nay I am serious

it's really not about shopping

I really have some

errands to run


so I might as well

hitched a ride then

okay deal


5:45 am

we department

and ended up here

in the middle of town

around 6:30 am


just now

we even kinda

lost the way



I hate that kind of insecurity and

instead of the one who was driving

I was the one who got off the car

to ask for direction at pump station


That's why I still have

a little faith in

public transport


No, a lot in fact

since I don’t have to

get off a bus to ask for direction

in the dark


The initial idea

I had in mind as suggested

by the other party was


We gonna hang out for awhile

breakfast or something

it's fine for me

then I will be good to go

on my own


but once the friend

was picked up


They told me:

So where are you heading to

where should we be dropping you off



damn I was kinda embarrassed

so I was supposed to go off

once we are in town

instead of hang out for awhile


Okay got it

so maybe you guys just

drop me at any train station or

fast food outlet then

I will be fine on my own



6:50am in the morning

here I am at the heart of

Kuala Lumpur


The city that's forever

under construction

hanging out on my own

at Mcdonalds's



waiting for the sun rise

Lot 10, Kuala Lumpur


What's next?

no idea

the H&M right in front of my view

looks tempting enough


There's this GOKL

free shuttle buses

which I can try on too


There's Pavilion Mall

where I can try my luck to

find a pair of mid height heels

I have been scouting for



I swear that I am

not here to shop

not in the first place


But now I am not quite sure

by the way

they are playing a

Jack Johnson's now


"Stop upsetting yourself

Stop upsetting the world"


some Chinese kids came in

and they were really noisy

the girls were playing cards and

busy selfie-ing


the guys were having conversation

occasionally swearing

and one of them

even removed a chair from

my table without even

bothered to ask “May I?”


anyway those are none of my concerns

I was still cozily napping

under the warm sun though


I decided that

I am good to go now

sunny Kuala Lumpur


time to roam the city!

sunny Kuala Lumpur


and I did find a

more cozy hideout to nap

without noise and everything else

sunny Kuala Lumpur


to be continued…



I got a little indignant

and I did text the friend of mine

hey I thought we are going to have breakfast

and he was like

oh we decided to have breakfast

out of the town


I was scrolling down my Facebook

and saw he even checked in

his breakfast location


well.. that bitch

what else can I say more

just my luck


maybe I was invited

simply because he didn’t

wanna fall asleep during the drive


what’s office politics?

excuse me

personal sphere of my life

is more fucked up ever



I told Fat I am not gonna

use the F word ever again


but sometimes

I can’t help it you see

now you see why

I was such an anti-socialist



because I trusted the wrong people

all these while


just my luck