Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Premium Medium X to Study D’Nation: China National Museum 中國國家博物館

the museum is so

meticulously designed that

it is emotionally provocative yet

being provoked in

a really comfortable space

China National Museum 中國國家博物館


yeah.. even for a

cold-blooded animal like me

I come out feeling a little

sad, a little patriotic and

somehow taking pride too China National Museum 中國國家博物館


the section is divided by

respective dynasty and era

oh man, we started the wrong way

not exactly wrong but

retrospective journey

from Qing Dynasty to Peking-Man

then wrapped up with

the contemporary section

China National Museum 中國國家博物館China National Museum 中國國家博物館China National Museum 中國國家博物館




China National Museum 中國國家博物館China National Museum 中國國家博物館


hey I found you

I should have downloaded the

navigation app..

I know right

always so ill-prepared

China National Museum 中國國家博物館China National Museum 中國國家博物館


then suddenly

the tone is totally switched

there came the brewing storm

enveloped in dark clouds

China National Museum 中國國家博物館China National Museum 中國國家博物館

China National Museum 中國國家博物館China National Museum 中國國家博物館China National Museum 中國國家博物館


I am really really in love

with the letter blocks

China National Museum 中國國家博物館

China National Museum 中國國家博物館China National Museum 中國國家博物館China National Museum 中國國家博物館China National Museum 中國國家博物館


such a cute baby

in the war zone

China National Museum 中國國家博物館


and those quotes, citations and

short write-up in place

really play a part in

shifting the cold-bloodedness 

oh man

China National Museum 中國國家博物館


I swear I will come more

well-prepared next time round

not only here but

everywhere else I am visiting

China National Museum 中國國家博物館


How to get here:

Beijing Subway

Line 01 (red)

Tian An Men East station 天安門東


it’s opposite Forbidden City

you couldn’t give it a miss, for real


it was a really foggy / hazy

I don’t know day

in late July

in the middle of summer?

Forbidden City wrapped in haze