Friday, July 18, 2014

Keep Calm & Fly On X Wanna Come Along?: Next Stop ✈ Hong Kong

first and foremost

Pray for MH17 via Kary Ng FB


what initiated this?

pretty last-minute planned

in less than a week time


first of all

is the Snoopy exhibition of course

*Scream* X Dare to Dream: Snoopy Art Exhibition @ HK



the timing is really great

post-huge-event which is

taking place tomorrow

so next week would be

a more “quiet” week I supposed



HK is a destination that

you don’t probably have to plan much

and most important of all

I can travel solo with confidence



it is supposed to happen

once upon a summer to

travel to HK solo then

my dad found something fishy

and he said he would come along



I won’t buy this plan anymore

since that was a long time ago

when I was still a kid 


on top of the two days of

official public holidays

the organization has declared

two extra days-off for

the Ramadan celebration


here's a summary

Date Schedule Status
24/07 (Thu) Flying
9:15 am
proposed leave
25/07 (Fri)   proposed leave
26/07 (Sat)   Day-off declared by org
27/07 (Sun)   Sunday
28/07 (Mon)   public holiday
29/07 (Tue)   public holiday
30/07 (Wed) Flying
8:30 pm
Day-off declared by org
31/07 (Thu) Touching down
12:15 am
Working day resumed


the whole of yesterday

yes I was busy

yet I kept going back to

my old desk which was

sort of like my retreat-hideout

to check on the flight tickets



since the date is

really really near

it fluctuates a lot


fluctuates not as in

going up and down

since it’s a one-way traffic up

all the way

well accelerate is perhaps

a better verb for it


and finally

I got mine securely booked by

6:30 p.m.

without leave approval yet


and with the hit of

MH17 incident

I don’t know how it gonna

affect my trip


I am flying on MH too

basically I don’t see any impact

except some opposition from

my parents back home


they are not even informed yet and

I have no intention to do so

not today, not tomorrow,

and the day after

but I have informed

my sister, though


last but not least

Pray for MH17 via Kary Ng FB