Thursday, June 5, 2014

SH! SH! 04: Shanghai Museum 上海博物館

only 16 photos were found

we were drop dead tired back then


but the layout was quite


you don’t go round and round

like a labyrinth


there are 7 levels

each segmented into two sides

based on categories of the

artifacts / exhibits on display



wood carving, jade, coins,

calligraphy & painting, furniture,

custom & culture of ethnic groups

and special exhibition  


so we can actually select

which zones that we take interest in


wood carving being the first

and that being our all time favourite of all

something we can better related to

Shanghai Museum 上海博物館Shanghai Museum 上海博物館Shanghai Museum 上海博物館Shanghai Museum 上海博物館Shanghai Museum 上海博物館Shanghai Museum 上海博物館Shanghai Museum 上海博物館


as you can see

I would say

all Chinese museum s

those that I have visited so far are



of course with the flashlight turned off

who uses flashlight these days anyway

with the low and even lower

aperture capturing technology


and the lighting, display setup, space 

are just nice

even a non-so-high-end camera

just like mine

can capture photos of good quality


furniture being another favourite zone

Shanghai Museum 上海博物館Shanghai Museum 上海博物館


I guess I have to start bringing

notepad and pen around

I used to, but it wasn’t of much use

especially to museum


there’s this tourist’s dilemma

too busy snapping, not really learning

worst is to do selfies non-stop

and instant uploading

wait.. plus some editing


there are some painting by an old artist

who started painting when he was in 80’s

they are so vibrant and lively

despite of the minimum strokes

Shanghai Museum 上海博物館


what’s his name again??

his surname is Wu,

(we are probably related)

that’s the only thing I am really sure of


woohoo.. I got it

late Mr. Wu Chang Shuo 吴昌硕

(1844 – 1927)



I am officially a fan

吴昌硕 梅花圖吳昌碩 03


and I realize that

these master artists

they are not only gifted painters

they write excellent calligraphy

not to mention,

some compose the poems or proses

attached to the paintings too

吳昌碩 04吳昌碩 05吳昌碩 06


and all these are one-take

unlike fuller painting

which can be touched up

I can imagine he didn’t even draft the prose

the feeling was just right after

the painting is done

yeah let’s write this

okay.. I am just saying


How to get here:

Metro Line 1,2,8 (Red, Blue, Green)

People’s Square station 人民廣場


it’s an extremely busy station

with more than 10 exits

and you may end up walking a little bit


Exit 1

or look out for signage in the station

and walk straight on

you can’t probably miss it

ShangHai Museum上海博物館 罗哲文 2013年1月16日


there’s another museum

within walking distance

along People’s Avenue

nearby the Metro’s exit


People’s Square is

equivalent to Tian An Men Square of Beijing

opps did I mention the sensitive term?


Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall


Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall 上海城市規劃展示館 (Culture of