Friday, April 4, 2014

Still Raining X Still Working: Stealing My Friday Evening

7:01pm, Friday

well guess what

i am still in the office


main reason being

it’s still raining out there

quite heavily

so there’s no way i can get home


and it’s Friday

which i am supposed to do some

light shopping, grocery and family shopping


i already had in mind

what i want to get for my niece and nephew

i wanted to check out the

piece of skinny jeans i

kept in view last week

i took the trouble to

check my stock in the fridge

so that i can make an invisible shopping list  


and this is no good



suddenly being flooded with work

so i am still working on something

never ending


a colleague had resigned

without notice

so i had to take over

what ever she has not done and

has done in a mess


backdated since last Nov

thank goodness she did not do it

or else you know i have more mess to clear

doing something totally new is

less tedious than clearing a mess

someone has left you for good


but her resignation

was kinda listed in

my worst case scenario

but April Fool, seriously

haha that’s very witty of her



the most shitty part of her task

wasn’t assigned to me yet

well get another PR girl to do it

i am not a heel-make up kind of girl






best of all

i am working tomorrow

haha.. how nice