Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Stephelle's Kitchen: Red Cabbage

Red or purple cabbage

First time cooking it

Red Cabbage Veggiest Pasta


Out there the serving is so little

that I used to believe

because this is really expensive

so any dish with this is

High value added


red cabbage, if you are ever reading this 

that's what I feel like telling him


Look dude

you dont really

have a distinctive smell or taste

and all you did was to

contaminate my soup into some bloody purple pool

and you ended up looking Bleached

I even have serious doubt that

are you actually a plain white cabbage

who was dyed red or purple

in order to fetch a higher price

and to make a fool of

consumer like me who thought that

you are a classy veggie

High value added huh?


I got too carried away

but I kept peeling and peeling

when are you gonna finish

because I m sick of the purple pollution

oops sorry

it's quite obvious that

I wouldn't buy this again

anytime soon in near future

and I started to realize

all of the sudden

cabbage tastes good in coleslaw

simply because of the salad dressing

try eating cabbage as it is

and i will shed tear


what's wrong with me today

too much negative energy