Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Saving Webpage as PDF

okay i think this is like

a little dumb maybe

i (very) recently discovered how to

save webpage as PDF

without installing anything else


yes it indeed does help

to save a webpage at the fastest time

in a single file


i hate saving as HTML

because you end up having a folder with

1001 files of different variants in there


all you need to do is to press “Ctrl P”

and end up in the print preview page

2014.04.09 Save Webpage as PDF 01 

click on the “Change” tab

under the column of Destination

where the name of the printer is listed

and changed the destination to “Save as PDF”

2014.04.09 Save Webpage as PDF 02


and there you go

2014.04.09 Save Webpage as PDF 03


what’s the advantages of saving webpage as PDF?

you don’t waste ink and paper printing it

or maybe your PC is not even connected to a printer


you can compile loads of it and even merge them

into one single PDF files

just like a cook book if you are saving recipe


you can browse it on our device offline

i know right

which stone-age person stays offline these days


and before i discovered this

to save a webpage

i have been

haha saving loads and loads of screen captured images

in loads and loads of separate files

just in case the content is length


okay maybe this post is just redundant

because the tutorials are

all over the web



i am just glad that

i discovered this


yabba dabba doo

Fred Flinstones - yabba dabba doo