Tuesday, March 11, 2014

An Opinion A Day X Keep The Decay Away: Info Relay

it was part and parcel of my job to

flip through local dailies

“media monitoring”, if you know the term 

collection of coverage/ad

on our competitors


stalking is what i do the best

that including competitors’ development too


it suits me well

i pretty much enjoy the newspapers

a variety of ads is definitely

my kind of things, yes!


Travel, Tech, Lifestyles etc

well… all of them

except the whole big chunk of Politics

which ironically is the main purpose of

why the newspapers is published,

for some


and i am that kind who will actually

went on to delve for more info

regarding something i read


yesterday i found out that

a telco in the country actually

making affiliation with telenor

which i later went on to google

a Norwegian telco


but the funny thing is

telenor acquired equity in the company

via a voluntary take-over offer

back then in 2001

yet only in 2014


they are making a branding campaign to

publicizing the affiliation to the



out of the blue

since i am not really busy today


i decided to and actually finished

reading a complete article

at the “Opinion” column

have not done this in ages

ever since O-levels

where i used to dig through the “Opinion” section for

key-points, catchy phrases and sentences 

so that i could write a better essay


i even had a scrapbook to

to archive these articles

three in facts,

for different languages


okay can i just make a resolution today

well.. 11th March

a belated new year resolution

not so belated i guess


it’s pointless if you have written

101 resolutions at the beginning of the year

yet have not manage to complete even one

but let’s make one a day

and make it happen


resolution #311

i shall read at least one article from the

“Opinion” column a day

and summarize it


“Malthus, Marx, and Modern Growth”

by Mr Kenneth Rogoff

past growth performance is no guarantee that

a broadly similar trajectory can be maintained

due to issues as below:

  • externalities, eg: environmental degradation
  • wealth inequalities
  • aging populations
  • issues require regulation of technologies
    • poor regulation of financial market
    • food-supply
    • childhood obesity
    • self-destructive addiction

Solutions suggested:

  • global carbon tax
  • redistribution via tax system
  • encourage women / retirees to stay in workforce
  • enhanced consumption of public goods
    • education, environment, health care



if you don’t have access to

physical copies of newspapers

aha that’s not an excuse

not to read


because i found that

the newspapers actually got the article online too



Project Syndicate:

The World’s Opinion Page

where articles on a various range of topics by

some pretty heavy weight columnists can be found


economics, world affairs, biz & finance,

education, culture & society, environment


exactly what i need to

make up for time and energy wasted

browsing through social media


not to say i don’t gain information

via social media

i do, undeniably


yet i realize the scrolling of social media

has weakened the ability to read

it’s difficult to stay focus to

even read a proper article


scrolling, flipping, multi-tasking

how much can I really learn


resolution #311

i shall read at least one article from the

“Opinion” column a day; OR

pick up an article from Project Syndicate, AND

make a summary of the article



flipping through newspapers is

quite a pain these days

Pray for MH370 04