Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Stephelle’s Kitchen: No-Blend Pekingese Yogurt Smoothie

I found the way to

replicated the superb yogurt from Beijing

yup.. that one which was served in glass bottle


I got cheated at Wang Fu Jing Food Street

they displayed loads of glass bottle

so I went and

they gave me the one in plastic bottle

saying that glass bottle is not for you

it breaks easily

and I was charged RMB 5 each


I later found the same thing

yogurt in plastic bottle at

7 Eleven for RMB 2.50



the old-school type is available at

corner stores with 

the friendly storekeepers of

the neighbourhood


it’s RMB 4.50 if you are taking it away

RM 3.00 if you drink on the spot

RM 1.50 being the deposit of the glass bottle


so here you are

Beijing yogurt drink in glass bottle


yet it is more about the fanciful design

no.. fanciful is a wrong word

its traditional design


the taste is just somehow

standing above other yogurt / yogurt drinks

I have tried else where


it’s in between yogurt and yogurt drinks

creamy texture yet

drinkable with a straw


a little sweet, but not too much

a little sour, and a little taste of fragrance


you may doubt that

the taste is artificial

I know I know

all the notorious cases of Chinese food

yet given the all-so-traditional bottle

it is difficult to think that

this is actually artificially flavoured


so I would call it a yogurt smoothie


and outside the store

you may see stacks of bottles

being arranged orderly

waiting to be recycled


so it’s not difficult to

track stores which carry

the glass-bottle yogurt

well.. if I would have realized this

I wouldn’t get cheated

it’s okay.. being an experience


oh my

I spent 300 words

talking about yogurt drink in Beijing

and not even touching on the

product of Stephelle’s Kitchen yet



so actually

it’s that easy


mix yogurt drink with plain yogurt

the proportion is to your liking

and ladies and gentlemen

a Beijing yogurt smoothie is

ready to be served

yogurt smoothie


my yogurt drink is the

least sweet of all available in the market

so is my plain yogurt


for people who do not understand

the world of plain yogurt and

original flavour yogurt drink

I can assure you that

this is just heavenly