Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sleepiness X Restlessness: Where's the Balance

eyelids kept drooping

yet I refused to sleep

because it's a Saturday

the only night of the week

which I don't have to make sure that

I must be awake by 6:30 am


I am quite an early riser, actually

but being forced to conform

doesn’t feel nice at all


I used to wake up at 5 to work out

but uni days are quite different of course

because I could actually take a nap

as early as 9 a.m. if

there was no morning class



it's so frustrating to

come home feeling so dead after work


mind tries to work something out

but body simply does not allow

by 11 I must be in bed

or else the lack-of-sleep signs

will keep haunting through the next day



I am such a light sleeper these days

probably I still haven’t got used to

room-sharing with total strangers

waking up every two hours

At 1, 3, 5 am to

check the time

there was this unfortunate night

during the 3 am check

I happened to notice mosquitoes

so I sat up to battle for awhile

yet it took me until 5am

i.e. the next sleep circle before

I could fall asleep again

and soon it was 6:30am

yesterday I slept at 2am

rushing on some freelance task

the 2-hour circle applies

woke up at 4am

to finish it up until 5am

and soon it was 6:39am

5 minutes to 8

well time to go

every morning

I walk so slowly because

there's this half dead soul

underneath the recharged body

every evening

I walk even slower because

there's an almost alive soul

trapped within a half-dead body

both feel so heavy

that I have such nausea

and it comes repeatedly

at such high frequency that

I choose to believe that

everyday is my worst ever Monday

so go ahead and face it

all I could ask for

is some good-night sleep

nightmare free,

mosquitoes free and

Jerk-from-sleep free

not too much I am asking for

Just sufficient strength

to carry on my days will do

being able to

see the sun rises and falls each day