Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Now X Back Then: It's Never the Same

Passing by the tuition center

where I made myself present

at least 6 days a week

sometimes twice a day


Suddenly realize

how come life was like

tough too back then

during school days


8:30 am, Sunday

in a Physics tuition class

almost dozing off

driest formula ever,and


I actually attended two

physics Tuition classes with

differrent tutors to

make sure that I, at least

understand the concepts


Maths & Mandarin tuition classes

almost back to back

On a Monday afternoon

all the way till 9pm

It ended at 9:30pm


Certain nights and I

came home quite hungry

and quite cold too


There I was singing

“It’ a damn cold night,

trying to figure out this life”

in silence


Waking up at 5am to

complete some Maths homework

damn it...

can't get it done/right


Then I continued on at school

before the bell rang

by copying from

some reliable sources

while purposely made mistake to

camouflage the fact that

it was copied


Buying loads and loads of

reference books for

extra reading & practicing

before the exams


Entire holidays were

spent at home revising and

attending extra classes

back at school

on top of the usual tuition classes


Yet it felt quite alright


because there's some direction to

look forward to

some motivation to

push yourself ahead


Primary school

you look forward to

praises from parents and teachers

whenever good grades were achieved


High school

you look forward to

entering a good college



you look forward to

securing a good job upon graduation


But what's for now?


Such insignificant things which

I look forward to which

almost make me cry


Such as

being comfortably in bed right now

was something I looked forward to

while sitting in front of the computer

in the office


and the best part of all is

I got my wish granted

every single night after 11



how simple life actually is

good night