Monday, February 17, 2014

Mind Wondering X Thought Wandering: Monday Rambling

I took out a new skirt to wear

and forgot that I left the price tag

hanging in the air

thank goodness my mom saw it


I ordered two pieces of Thosai for breakfast

the boss asked if two pieces on

separate plates since

there were two of us

just one of course

and he looked at me in disbelief


I bended to put some papers

I have read on the floor

so I lost my balance and

almost fell off the chair



I tuned into Hito radio at 10a.m.

hoping to catch the premiere of

Khalil’s new song: Dangerous World

but the stupid network is poor

as usual

so I only managed to catch

like 3 phrases?


I wanted to pour water into

the bucket beside the water dispenser

but ended up pouring into

the waste bin beside

thank goodness there's

a trash bag inside


I wanted to type the name of

a college starting with S

then I ended up typing Sleepy


I was so tired but

I won’t sleep anytime early because

probably I will end up waking up

In the middle of the night if

I sleep too early


so it's better to stick to the

11 to 6:30 routine or

end up being trapped in

a bad sleep cycle


it's Monday

I am sure everyone pretty much

suffer the same thing as I am

because weekdays which is

supposed to be utilized to

pay the sleep debt is

Used to snowballed into

a even heavier debt


and I doubt if

I really wanna get into relationship

because I don't even have

enough time for my family


unless he blends into our circle

which I doubt will happen anytime soon

father-daughter who raced their ways

under the hot sun to

reach home from their Sunday walk


I don't know what this post is

directed to

It's like i can go on rambling about

3 things over and over again:


waiting for bus,

wanting a boyfriend and

wandering away in Beijing


but forgive me

as a person of small social circle

I don't really have much in mind


oh ya I have got my dumbbell

recycled from yogurt drink bottles

almost ready


so maybe I can start

working out tonight

No.. too sleepy

tomorrow morning maybe


I wanna build up so badly

so that I look nice in peplum


in fact now I can handle the

19 liter water bottle

fixing it onto the dispenser

without any help


but I do it when no one is around

because I think that scene

looks kinda masculine



what's next?


no.. actually I

still want a boyfriend

who likes my dad and vice versa


he says he's sending me to

those take-me-out show of

mainland production

I don’t mind actually

provided that they accept me


I am dead tired yet

must stay awake until 11

to harvest my plants and

another premiering of Dangerous World is

happening after 11