Sunday, February 23, 2014

City X Always Busy: Triggering Memory

back to the city where

when I was residing here

everything was so unfamiliar

however as I return as a short traveler

everything seems to be so familiar

the local-accent Mandarin

which I had already picked up and

could still spoke pretty well

the never ending busy train stations

guess they are still one of the best

in the world

although it took me time to study the

new Circle Line

I don't know

once you have tried walking in

more and more different cities

suddenly this place which is

so well-urbanized suddenly has got

some credits of its own

am I thinking of returning for real?

yes maybe

no maybe not

35 months down the road until

I am a free person to

determine where am I heading


I once thought that

it's such silly idea to talk about

identity and destiny

because you are born with it

until I reach some points

whereby I wish I have got another

nationality, hence a new identy

with a totally different destiny

Arrgh.. That's not something

as easy as rhyming the words together

but yet…

can we actually use but-yet side by side

thought they mean the same thing


hope and ambition are still running

underneath the everyday mundane life

sunset view from Stadium