Friday, December 20, 2013

Curtain Call 2013: Spec-tacular

on top of the spec, i got a haircut too


got myself a new pair of specs

after being pressurized by mom

because she thinks it’s bad to wear

contact lens for long hour, who isn’t


and we are those who wear

because we don’t really have a choice

but of course there are another group

with perfectly good eye-sight

who choose to wear colour lens

for aesthetic purpose


going for Ray-ban

probably because I was pretty impressed with

the Never-Hide ad series

Ray-Ban non-glossy frame


I told the optician

I want a no-frill all black frame

and she quickly narrowed it down to

Ray-Ban and Lee Cooper


Lee Cooper had a pretty “eye-catching” campaign

featuring Union Jack flag and

other vintage elements such as

double-deckered bus, Mini Cooper etc


anyway ad campaign is not the

sole determinant when it comes to

picking a right frame


but it seems that

the range of frames both have

are pretty close in terms of design

and quality too, according to the optician

however in terms of price

Ray-Ban is of course higher


in fact since the first pair of frame

was shown to me

until narrowing down to

the final “candidates”


the optician kept pushing Lee Cooper

I guess probably because

the profit margin is better


decision had been secretly made that

I want a Ray-Ban because

Ray-Ban equals to eyewear 

while any other brands like Lee Cooper

produce everything from

canvas shoes to tote bags


but I went on really slow

as if I am having a tough time

making up my mind


it’s a game of psychology

I learn from bargaining game

if you in the first place

show great interest towards a

particular items


then it’s less likely that

the seller will offer as much discount

as he/she can

since you are going to take it anyway


this is not a two-dollar frame

from road-side stall for play

making a good bargain counts

but I am real bad at oral bargaining

so… I hope this hesitating process helps


or maybe she would start sympathizing

poor kid.. wanting a Ray-Ban so badly

but couldn’t afford



so I ended up with a pair of new spec


it’s non-glossy frame

which my mom was like:

it looks worn

glossy frame looks more lively


well she says the same thing

for everything of mine in

suede, chambray, straw colour


for a person suffering from

severe short-sightedness and astigmatism

the lists of taboo while wearing contact lens

are emerging fast as

the patient grows older in age


direct sunlight, no!

air pollution & haze, no!

exposure to different sources of light

during night time, no!


okay fine

stay indoor then, yet

dryness in air-con room, another no!


long live my precious eyesight

new year resolution:

kill the habit of reading in bed

wear more glasses if I can

take good care of my new specs


I am that kind of person

who wake up asking:

where did I leave my specs last night


oh here you are

right under the pillow