Thursday, October 3, 2013

Going Stronger X Making Miracle: Eddie Porter

oh man!!

finally another nomination for best actor

for his role in 《Unbeatable 激戰》

In And X Out of Movie: Unbeatable Eddie


wait a minute

best supporting actor!!

hey come on

he is lead actor, please


but then,

when I scrolled further

who are running for best lead actor


then I was like, it’s alright

it’s “safer” to stay under the supporting category

because the nominated lead actors

include the following:


his daddy Tony Leung Kar Fai in 《Cold War 寒戰》

Cold War 寒戰 Eddie Peng 彭于晏 25

his sifu Nick Cheung Kar Fai in 《Unbeatable 激戰》



not forgetting

the Grandmaster Tony Leung Chiu Wai who is like

so so unbeatable

and the veteran, Mr. Wang Yu


I couldn’t figure out who among the three

will ultimately walk away with the award

Nick Cheung, perhaps?


if I really have to choose

it’s gonna be Mr. Wang Yu

because the other 3 have won

and still stand a good chance for years to come


so it’s alright Eddie boy

stay in the supporting actor category

he stands a better chance, really



frankly speaking

I am not really familiar towards the rest

running for best supporting actor

and haven’t watched any of those movies


correct me if I have wrong

Huang Bo 黃勃 has been nominated for

best leading actor before

and he actually did win

double winner, along with Nick Cheung


Dong Da Wei 佟大為

is the guy in that homecoming comedy

for Lunar New Year

《Better and Better 越來越好之村晚》 


basically that’s his only movie I have seen

I am still finding that movie he is in,

with Huang Xiao Ming 黃曉明

《American Dreams in China 中國合伙人》


and the other actor is from

《Ilo Ilo 爸媽不在家》

wow.. quite impressive

a Ngee-Ann Polytechnic production

with 6 nominations

have won a couple of awards at European film festivals

including Cannes’ Camera d'Or award


going back to the supporting actor

this name is not very familiar

Chen Tian Wen 陳天文

but after a quick googling

aha… is this guy


Mediacorp artist

confirm you would have seen him if

you have watched a Singaporean drama before

but have never known him by his name

that’s the plight for TV series artist, I guess 


I would have banged my head on the wall, seriously

if Eddie boy loses to him

not to look down on him

but hey look it’s unbeatable Eddie

basically he just can’t afford to lose to

anyone else, no matter who he is, alright


and the final nominated one is

Li Xue Jian 李雪健 for 《1942》

another name which I have to google

but unfortunately

it doesn’t ring any idea, at all


but that’s the dangerous part

potential black horse

a powerhouse!!!

his CV is kinda outstanding

he won best actor awards

way way back in 1991

Eddie boy was only 9 years old back then



unbeatable Eddie is not going to be daunted


none of the movies are Taiwanese productions

so I am not too sure where the favour is driving at

but if, if really favourism plays a part

Eddie boy is the only Taiwanese actor in there

if it helps to increase the probability of winning


recap of Eddie’s Golden Horse journey:

2007, nominated for best new actor

《My DNA says I Love You 基金決定我愛你》

Mr. Happy X Lil’ Clumsy: Boy Next Door, tEddie

he was really really cute back then

Tang Wei 湯唯 was the winner!

My DNA Says I Love You 基因決定我愛你  - Eddie Peng 彭于晏 09


2011, nominated for best main actor for

《Jump Ashin!》

Beaming Dream X Inspiring Scenes: Jump Ashin! 翻滾吧! 阿信

Andy Lau finally walked away with the award

well… no comment

Jump Ashin 翻滾吧阿信 the finale 02


2012, ambassador for the event itself 

Baby Blue X Oxford Shoes: I’m Glued!

Golden Horse Film Festival 2012 Press Con - Eddie Peng  金馬在宜蘭 彭于晏 03


the red-carpet moments

revolution in making

oh goodness.. from the all-so-bushy

44th Golden Horse Award 2007 Eddie Peng

48th Golden Horse Award 2011 Eddie Peng49th Golden Horse Award 2012 Eddie Peng


this year gonna be crew cut again

like really really short

I hope he doesn’t have to shave it all clean

for 《Wong Fei Hong: Rise of The Legend》

until the night of the award


from best-dress on red carpet

to best-ever-looking supporting actor

it is so possible right


there are the latest photo of how Eddie Boy looks like

stolen from his sis’s Instagram

how is it possible not to love

such a hottie cutie Eddie

Eddie X Harry Potter - Eddie PotterEddie X Harry Potter - Eddie Potter 02Eddie Peng Workout