Monday, February 27, 2012

Few Slopes X Yet Smooth: Day 1 of School

they said ups and downs are norms of life

that’s so true,

even for a single day

the cycle applies                     


6.30 a.m. Smile

I woke up on time

even got the time to plaid my hair


6.30 a.m. Sob

there are two pimples on my nose

they hurt, but at least nose is a acne-porn area

there’s another even more “erupting”

on the border line of my lips and face

it is making my lip swollen


yesterday my housemate even asked

if I just had chili

I remember now, part of it

must have been contributed by the

black pepper udon I had yesterday

black pepper is my natural lips balm

always making them swollen red


7.30 a.m. Sob

of all things, I forgot to buy bread

it’s okay, let this be the on-diet week


8.00 a.m. Sob

headed down to the office, still closed

and there are already people waiting


8.15 a.m. Smile

can actually use the travel card for March

for the last 3 days of Feb


my rental was due 7 days ago

thank goodness

the person allows the “early-bird” 10% off discount


9.00 a.m. Smile

got registered pretty fast

although the first lecturer who I approached for help

made me waiting

because he said they were expecting us

to be back for registration for the past 2 weeks

okay.. hello

who will purposely come back just for registration

and anyway it will only take minutes


9.15 a.m. Sob

bumping into the guy I like with his gf

of all people, please disappear

and I bumped into his gf again later..


9.20 a.m. Sob

went registry to collect the prize

but it will only be available after 2p.m.


9.30 a.m. Smile

just hanged around, chatting to manager

I don’t have internet back in hostel, anyway


10.00 a.m. Sob

analyzing my time table

Monday is started at one,

because the morning class belongs to the other majors

but… fri is until 6 p.m. for everyone

I saw the sem 1 timetable

it is empty on Fri


11.00 a.m. Sob

the wait is getting tiresome

because internet connection was quite weak


12.50 a.m. Smile (fake)

went class, saw people I don’t wanna see

and talked, after so long

I wish Her Highness is here


1.00 p.m. Sob

it’s that bloody lecturer

which was doing much harm to my CGPA last semester

heard she is going to teach us again

and worst of all,

it’s law that she is teaching this sem


2.30 p.m. Sob

thank goodness it’s over

but her tutorial session on 4 p.m. is still on

another long wait


2.35 p.m. Smile

finally dissuaded her from conducting the tutorial

because there are only 5 of us

who are supposed to attend this session

2 of them are new classmates

hurray.. finally meeting some new people


2.37 p.m. Sob

back to the bursary again

the counters were still empty

then got to know they have already switched the

collection venue

damn.. what are the notice boards still doing there

and collection can actually be done all day long

empty counters


2.45 p.m. Smile

got my book vouchers

they smell better than money

saw “pick-table” stealing pen from the table

what the hack, that’s public property

and with your 200 bucks vouchers

you can actually buy tonnes of pens


2.50 p.m. Sob

caught a bus

it was all packed up

somebody offered me a seat

but it’s okay, I am fine standing


it was pretty bumpy

and I can’t bear to see the two guys sitting

with their super duper huge headphones blasting

I can hear their music pretty clear

are they having hearing impairment or something


3.00 p.m. Smile

I must be making very grumpy face

while observing the headphones dude

because someone else offered me seat again

oh my.. okay

but somehow felt like apologizing to the first guy

what’s my problem, rejected his offered

while accepting the second


3.12 p.m. Sob

asked to show the “security access card”

I didn’t have it with me

that’s for people who come back late

and gates are all locked

you have to tap your card to unlock the gates

why are they asking for this

during broad day light


imagine carrying this bulky thing

to school everyday

was allowed to enter, name written on Visitor List

it was so funny,

under the Remark column

someone actually wrote I forgot


arrrrgh, I should have just written

I don’t know and reject the implementation of this


3.30 p.m. Sob

can’t seem to find the egg white in the fridge

I saw it in the morning

and just yesterday I lost a pair of prized flip flops

I don’t  believe people would wanna steal egg white

but disappearance is still disappearance


3.35 p.m. Smile

do not be bothered to do anything

if I prepare new one

who knows tomorrow it will go missing again


cooked myself a bowl of noodle

feeling hungry is the easiest thing to ruin mood


and had another 4 pieces of cookies for snacks

that’s the problem..

I enjoyed after meal snacks


4.30 p.m. Smile

writing up to this line

time for a quick nap


6.30 p.m. Smile

lovely nap, followed by a shower


7.00 p.m. Smile

off we went to Sunway


8.00 p.m. Smiles

finally decided to have Korean food for dinner

C-1-10, till 29th Feb


I have never really eaten

any authentic Korean meal

but of course I still know to order Kim Chi soup

sour and hot.. 

and still pretty healthy

Kim Chi tofu soup


9.30 p.m. Embarrassed Smile 

it’s well know fact that I don’t like Hello Kitty

but I no longer hate her as much

since there are Kitty fans around me

so I started to notice Kitty merchandises

and you bet how torturous it is

get excited for awhile whenever I saw Kitty

then wait a minute.. I don’t really like her, do I?

of course not


anyway I bought this, as a souvenir

they can even glow in the dark

and I am really jealous of Kitty fan, sometimes

Hello Kitty glow in the dark keychains



9.59 P.M. Smiles… Sob

that’s the whole house C-1-10

it was Cat’s last night in here

she graduated last sem and is moving out tomorrow

means it would be pretty difficult for us to

hang out further away, without a car

Sunway has the best mirrors for camwhorer


10.30 p.m. Smile

reached home, just hanged around


11.36 p.m. Tight Smile

my face is feeling pretty tight

because the mask is drying up

I found where my mask ingredient went to already

was treated as trash, during fridge cleaning

it’s okay, at least I know it does not

disappear mysteriously


time to get back to my novel

before zZz.. nitez