Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sapphire Crystal X “Black Metal”: Watch-Critical

was sending my watch for battery replacement

waiting and surveying around

spotted something very lovely

it’s that phrase again

“something i have been looking for”


all black Alba

Sapphire Crystal


just like this

which i always admires

but don’t think i can ever afford

Rado X Rene 


with Sapphire Crystal feature

what the heck is that


Leica has announced the M9-P,

a “professional” variant of its already high-end M9 rangefinder.

The only functional change is

the sapphire crystal cover

on the rear LCD,

which also comes with anti-reflective coatings on both sides.


Leica associated it with their camera too

meaning it must be something pretty awesome


Sapphire Crystal:

Synthetically formed,

the sapphire crystal of a watch

is extremely scratch resistant (nine on the Moh scale) and

is the material of choice for many watch collectors.


The downsides are that the

sapphire can chip at the edges if

it protrudes and it can shatter.


it kinda confused me

then i realized

the kind of Crystal meant here is different

from the usual understanding of what a crystal is



The covering of the watch dial.

in layman’s term

the transparent glass in between the air

and the “face” of your watch


Acrylic, mineral, and sapphire are

three types of crystals commonly used in watches.


Acrylic crystal is an inexpensive plastic that

allows shallow scratches to be buffed out.


Mineral crystal is composed of several elements

that are heat-treated to create an unusual hardness that

helps resist scratches.


Sapphire is the most expensive and durable crystal,

approximately three times harder than mineral crystals and

20 times harder than acrylic crystals.


besides learning a little something about watch

i kept thinking of the lovely watch(es) now


i always have pretty good impression of Alba watch

  • personal reason
  • celebrity endorsement
  • and now another new one.. company profile



personal reason

i own one Alba watch

when i was very young

Grandpa got it for me


it is temperature sensitive

used to call it an Iguana watch

like raining day it’s green

sunny day it is more towards purple

something like that


i have been trying to find it

but no where to to find

staying on in memory



celebrity endorsement

back in 2006

Stanley X Alba



okay forget about it

Nicholas Teo for Alba


i guess this is the main concern about watch

typical watches

round, showing you the time

a little bit of design

therefore celebrity endorsement matters a lot

like how well you carry yourself

watch represents status and taste

unconsciously influencing your perception of the brand


but please..

wearing a Seiko

doesn’t really mean

you will look like Daniel Wu or Lee Hom

yet it always works

to influence purchasing decisions


and by the way

Stanley is already with Casio G-shock now



company profile



The ancients' word for dawn,

passed down the generations into Spanish and Italian as

a symbol of light, hope and new beginnings.


The inspiration for a unique watch collection,

characterized by fresh, bright designs for

people who cherish life and

who strive to get the most out of it.

Alba was born in 1979 in Japan and

its success was immediate,

with the Alba name becoming an instant symbol of

the value and quality that

consumers expect from a brand

created by Seiko Watch Corporation.


Alba. Let the light shine on!


Watch Glossary


conclusion of the post..

should i go for the watch???

i would definite go for the man’s one

it looks more sophisticated

and  they are both of the same price

Sapphire Crystal


till then..

wait for my good news