Saturday, August 27, 2011

Epic Fall X Ancestral Call: Weekend at Praying Hall

just got back to hometown

mom wasn’t around

at temple,

praying during lunch hour

therefore went directly to meet up


it’s not that I have never been carry stuffs

it’s not that I have never been wearing shorts

it’s not that I have never been walking in flip flops


just 5 steps

after getting off the car

before entering the temple


here you are

bleeding knees


but it did not feel quite painful actually

too thick-skinned 

after applying iodine lotion


the best of the best

is yet to come

have to go to the temple again

the sensation when there’s friction with

my pair of jeans


and can’t even knelt down

just bow very very low

so that people can’t notice

as if I am down with arthritic knee



my parents were just laughing away

it’s a karma

for wearing shorts to temple

who knows I am going to end up there??

or I wouldn’t have


thank goodness

the session of the night

was all about sitting

and listening to the chant


there were 6 monks, 

usually addressed respectfully, as Sifu

who were hosting the ceremony


with a pro helper a.k.a. instrumentalist

this guy was there most of the time 

my dad said he has been around for decades

during funeral or related event

playing the Chinese trumpet


and today

surprisingly he even played the Erhu

(the chinese violin)

chinese culture X religious ceremony

so refreshing


too bad I did not have my camera with me

after all the ceremony

was in conjunction with

the Hungry Ghost Festival

so it’s not advisable to take photo

as I like it



I was laughing so hard

quite disrespectful, right


because the master monk

was throwing food and coins

all over

some were avoiding being hit at

some were catching the food

and even eating it right away


I got two mini cupcakes

and a chocolate coin

such an epic snack

not too sure if I can keep these


since after all

the purpose of throwing

is to “donate” the food and money

to “you-know-who” out there



3 more sessions to go

at 2 places

bless my knees

they can make it through


and apology

to my old mates

who are supposed to

have gathering today


karma or not

thank goodness it was just a minor fall

thank goodness it happened now, and here

thank goodness for everything,


thank goodness

I am home

comfortably blogging on my bed

who cares about what will happen tomorrow

even if I care

I wouldn’t know, would I