Tuesday, July 12, 2011

White Lie x Green Light: Almost Time to Fly

when it came to final 2 weeks count down

till me and Carly are going to HK

anxiety started to creep in


I have to find ways

I mean we two

have to find ways to tell

our parents that we are going


there were two incidents

that the secret almost broke out



my ex boss asked my mom

when am I going to HK?

I denied it

“she must have remembered wrongly, huh?”



I was tuning into 903 as usual

then dad came and asked

“are you going to HK?”


“then how come you are listening to

HK radio all the time”



finally agreed on the story

we won the tickets through some contests

just in case

the parents happened to meet

and cross check


last week

I texted my dad


we won the tickets

therefore we are flying on the 23rd to HK


he didn’t reply anything

so I assumed he did not see it

and I did not mention anything

since my grandpa’s funeral is still going on


till yesterday morning


“when are you going back to college”



“gonna be here

then 20+ on trip for a few days”


“you said,

what did you girls win again?”


“oh.. free flight tickets”


“so easy to win

how come I never win”




“wanna go HK

then just go”

“this excuse is too primary school”




“and soon you will tell

you win ticket to London”




last year

I did the same thing


told my dad

I am going HK

with a couple of friends


I was planning to go alone


he called me for a talk

in the middle of the night

and asked for details



he did not allow me to go

and ended up



counting down 10 days

I am ready to go



I love my dad more and more now
