Saturday, July 2, 2011

Long Stay X Gonna Decay: Fat Friday

today is a long day

not at school

the session ended before 12

yet another long day spent outside


yesterday night

was still thinking

should I go back home

then have the weekend with family & old gang

or stick to the new people here

finally not doing anything

therefore staying back


actually feeling a bit guilty

just take a look at

where I have been the whole day


agenda of the day:

Carl’s Jr – Starbucks – Pool – Steamboat


being a “flexitarian”

Flexitarian X Pescatarian: Who's a Vegetarian

I know..

people go Carl’s Jr for the burgers and fries

but I go for the salad

practically something  very similar

to what I have been cooking at home

minus the chicken and cheese

Charbroiled Chicken Salad


and steamboat

who the heck

will eat 3 lady fingers

and 3 corns

plus more green vegetables

rather go eat Yong Taufu right



actually I ate some seafood too

does this one count?

fishy fishy tofu


when I appeared at the doorstep

after 12 am

already 3rd time in the week

my housemate got a fright

she thought

I have already been long gone home


this weekend

I mean now…


can stay abstain

because I really do not what to see this

happening to me

no bikini tan lines with this getaway


nothing much to do

over the weekend actually

just go decay

preferably at home