Monday, July 25, 2011

Dumbfound X On The Ground: After all, Safe & Sound

Sponger X Crunchier: Spongebob Sandwich Maker

Spongebob French toast


actually wanted to prepare the toast

for a surprise picnic box

during my manager’s visit


yet an accident happened

sheer stupidity

about to unbox the sandwich maker

carrying it

then the box opened

and the whole thing fell

the stupid box




on the ground

to be found

cracked sandwich maker


how can I use this thing

in such state

haven’t even used it yet



the meeting up went on

without any thing going wrong luckily

CMSC: Carly the Manager, Steph the Client


actually I already showed it to her

the day before

tempting her to buy it

Cornell Spongebob Sandwich Maker 02Cornell Spongebob Sandwich Maker


then I can’t resist the temptation

and now the sandwich maker was

completely useless


Spongebob grill element



returned to the store

and they replaced a new unit for me

and to their horror

all the boxes are in the same

not properly sealed up



I am so glad

that proves that

I am not lying for the replacement

my replacement is rightly justified



I must say that

in the first place

they already promised to replace it for me



the person in charge

started with the sentence


that’s no replacement

for damages caused by fall…”


then she consulted the other guy

named Ah Chan

I guess he is the branch manager or something

he has been around for ages

and he is always free to

watch drama, soccer or whatever

in front of rows and rows of TVs on display

and once

early morning

I was there collecting stuff

saw him talking to all of the staffs


oh please

I have never been stalking him

he has been there for long, really


what’s wrong with the manufacturer

although it is a cheap small appliance

it is so dangerously fragile

it doesn’t cost them much

to seal up the box properly right

just a few brushes of gum

or is it due to negligence


can I assume that

I have done a good deed

because they immediately sealed

the few boxes they have in stock


and who knows

by  sending in the feedback to the HQ

I may have saved

hundreds other sandwich maker



this attitude of mine

is already so Spongebob-like

can you imagine

what will happen

if I swallow more and more Spongebob toast


who cares

I just hope that

our friendship

lasts as long as

Spongebob and Patrick

still befriend each other

and do the crazy things

just like them



last but not least

I like this point redemption scheme

more and more

frankly speaking

browsing through the catalogue

well it is just a normal appliance

I missed the sandwich maker

wait till I bumped into the real thing

in the redemption catalogue


and definitely

my loyalty towards SenQ have doubled

thanks to Ah Chan, too