Thursday, July 28, 2011

Black Strap X Metal Stripe: Swoosh Strives

few weeks ago

the little black swoosh watch of mine snapped

the mini metal rod

that holds the strap got loosened

this is the second time it happened

the first time got my friend to fix it for me


this time round

have to send in

wanted to get it fixed

at an old stall where

my late grandpa always repaired

his and ours watches

got a shock to find out that

that old man has passed away too


then sent it to a proper watch shop

it appeared it hold the strap well

jolly lucky of me

watch shop


but it did not last for long

got out of place again quite soon

always have to readjust the metal rod

then decided to take it out

have to do something about it again


this is the metal rod,

bent by the person at the watch shop

the original one has been lost

while my mom took my watch

from the praying altar

that’s the problem

I always leave everything there,

here and there, conveniently

while she hates it a lot



wired the strap in place

watch with wire


apparently it looks quite ugly

but that’s the only way

to assure the strap is secured in place

I would rather it looks ugly

than to lose the strap

which is quite impossible to be replaced

ugly yet secured 


strive on, Swoosh!!!