Sunday, June 26, 2011

Power Blow X Energy Flow: Five Elements in Hero




sorry if you find these are sheer craps

Hero movie poster


The representation of the Five Elements 五行

is manifested throughout the movie.

The elements are:

  • 水 Water
  • 火 Fire
  • 木 Wood
  • 土 Earth
  • 金 Metal

水 Water

is significant in the fighting scene of

無名 Nameless and 長空 Long Sky in the rain.

Swift movements in the rain are magnified to

illustrate the speed of the fighters.


When rain drops fall onto different surfaces and

make the tickling sound,

time stands still and

the fight transformed into

a psychological fight between the two minds.


When the sword finally penetrates through rain droplet,

the ultimate prowess is liberated and

there 長空 Long Sky loses the fight and his life.

the fatal move


It brings out the message of water,

being a tranquil yet powerful element of life.

Similar message is brought out in

the fighting scene between

無名 Nameless and 殘劍 Broken Sword as well.


火 Fire

is the element of bravery, determination and passion.

秦王 The King makes a metaphor between

無名 Nameless’ determination to assassinate him with

the oil lamps surrounding them.

When the light from the lamps becomes dim,

秦王 the King senses the swing in

無名 Nameless’ determination as well.


The element of Fire is also indirect represented in

by red clothing.

Back to the calligraphy school,

the young students and

their old calligraphy teacher who

defend themselves with courage are

all donned in red.


木 Wood

which is pretty much linked to the art of 書法 calligraphy.

殘劍 Broken Sword has been practicing calligraphy

with a long wooden stick and

hence masters a special skill in sword

through his calligraphic work.

the calligraphy


Just like the old calligraphy master and

his students who stay back and

continue writing despite

the massive arrow attack which

ultimately kills them all.


It goes on to reflect the resistance and

perseverance of

the 木 Wood element.



is exemplified in a particular death scene.

human is part and parcel of the earth,

therefore after death,

human dissolves into dust and

shall return to the mother Earth.


in juxtaposition with


ashes to ashes,

and dust to dust;

in the sure and certain hope of

the resurrection unto eternal life……


The death of 如月 Moon in the forest

illustrates this philosophy.

She fell onto the ground,

buried in the fallen leaves.

It implies the amalgamation with the earth

symbolizes the ending of life.

returning to the Earth


金 Metal

is represented by sword.

Metal is solid yet sharp.

The positive attributes of metal are

firmness, strength and determination.


無名 Nameless, the master of sword

has all the attributes of metal.

To him, sword is more than just a weapon;

it embraces the swordsmanship and pride in him.

Finally he gives up the assassination and

the hatred in himself although

he has got all the opportunity to put the King to death.

Nameless & sword


On top of the Five Elements mentioned as above,

the representation of other natural elements

can be found in the names of the characters.


For example,

飛雪 Flying Snow indicates

her cold and capricious personality.

She would go at all costs to achieve her goals,

including killing her loved one.


On the other hand, the character,

如月 Moon holds certain spiritual characteristics of the moon.

She seems to be insignificant at times,

but she is the only loyal servant

who is always there for her master.


in conclusion

Just like how the main story goes,

there is no absolute theory of right versus wrong.

We would not say that the King is wrong

for all the killings he has done,

since the ultimate aim is

to unify the country. A

ll human are seeking for is

a balance of the different elements in life.


英雄 / Hero / 2002