Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lovely Cardie x Raining Heavily: Once Again, at Mid Valley

from school to Mid Valley

just an impromptu plan

to meet up with Teddy

then heading back straight to Melaka


supposed to meet up at 4

i reached by train slightly earlier

raining heavily

so he was stuck in a jam

and that gave me the perfect justification

to wander around


so purely by chance

miss this place so much

i was here two weeks ago

and here i am again

High Calories x Low Spending: Mid Valley


but instead of wandering around

straight to the target location, cotton on

yes.. there is sales

i think always there are


look of the day

that’s what i will usually wear

if there’s no class no nothing

just hanged out at school for fun


faded tees x denim shorts

just casual tee


tried out this pairs of casual button-down tunics  

always wanted one

but didn’t find the right one yet

but ended up not buying

because i mistook they as discounted pair

but actually they are not

just normal price items

too bad too bad

black button down tunicwhite button down tunic


then at the further mark-down area

found this

my goodness

one and only

blue cardigan

for rm 20 only


that’s what i posted on FB too

shopping alone is never a hurdle

girls will just leave the bags on the floor

including Coach

that’s obviously not mine

the huge bulky black one is

blue cardigan


have seen their flip flops for long

eyeing them?


and now that i was alone

it’s time to kill

soon i can establish my flip flops rainbow strata

of different brands and ages

navy blue flip flops


then Teddy phoned up

asked me to buy something for him

Durian Pancake

you know me well

i can know where Topshop is hidden at one corner

but do not ask me about food outlets

because i seriously do not care about it


plus i don’t eat durian at all

so this is quite a challenge for me

Amazing Valley Race: The Hunt for the Durian Pancake

going round and round the Lower Ground

Durian Pancake


successfully met up at the car park

and soon on my way home

and reached home by 7pm


loots of the day

(other than 3 boxes of Durian Pancakes..

luckily they did not smell)


#1 Navy blue Cardigan with skinny sleeves

navy blue cardigan


#2 matching navy blue flip flops

navy blue flip flops