Tuesday, June 21, 2011

French Latte X Greek Frappé: Crash-Course on Coffee

1.0 Espresso Based Coffee

  • Espresso
  • Espresso Macchiato
  • Espresso con Panna
  • Caffé Latte
  • Flat White
  • Café Breve
  • Cappucino
  • Caffé Mocha
  • Caffé Freddo
  • Americano
  • Long Black
  • Café con leche
  • Café Cubano


1.1 What’s in Your Cup of Espresso-based Coffee?

different types of coffee variations from espresso

Coffee Guide


more details on the exact proportion:



1.2 Essential Glossary:


half and half

is a mixture of one part milk to one part cream


whipped cream

is cream that has been beaten by

a mixer, whisk, fork, or whip

until it is light and fluffy.


foamed milk

milk with air bubbles incorporated

through a milk-frothing process

a simple hand milk frother


steamed milk

tastes better and sweeter

than milk heated by any other method.

then it can be transformed into

froth and foam (as above)


the quick way to get steamed milk

milk steamer


froth vs foam

is there any difference??

to be specific:


froth is a bubbly substance that usually forms

on the surface of a liquid.

This can also be called foam.

But, foam can be other things.


1.3 Some Variations of Espresso:

Caffè Americano 

refers to adding water to espresso

(espresso on the bottom)


Long Black

is adding espresso to water

(espresso on the top)


Café con leche

is Spanish milk coffee

similar to the

caffe latte (Italian)


Café Cubano

(Cuban espresso, cafecito)

is prepared from espresso and caramelized sugar.


1.4 So, Where Does Espresso Come From?


is a concentrated beverage brewed by

forcing hot water under pressure

through finely ground coffee

basically with an espresso maker

espresso machine


or the simple one

a Moka pot a.k.a. macchinetta

Moka Pot


2.0 Non-Espresso Based Coffee

  • Black coffee
  • White coffee
  • Café au lait
  • Irish Coffee
  • Kopi tubruk
  • Indian filter coffee / Madras Coffee
  • Turkish Coffee
  • Greek coffee
  • Indochinese-style coffee


Drip brewing, or filtered coffee, 

is a method for brewing coffee which involves

pouring water over roasted, ground coffee beans

contained in a filter.

Water seeps through the coffee,

absorbing its oils and essences,

solely under gravity,

then passes through the bottom of the filter.


The used coffee grounds are retained in

the filter with the liquid falling (dripping) into

a collecting vessel such as a carafe or pot.

dripped brew coffee


Black Coffee

is the end product of the drip brewing

and sometimes by adding plain sugar


White coffee

is black coffee with unheated milk or creamer added to it


French café au lait

is similar to Italian latte

except that drip-brewed coffee is used

instead of espresso,

with an equal amount of milk.


Irish coffee

is a cocktail consisting of hot black coffee,

Irish whiskey, and sugar, stirred, and

topped with thick cream.

The coffee is drunk through the cream.

List of other Liquer Coffee

Irish Coffee


Turkish Coffee / Greek Coffee

is a very fine, powder-like grind.

It  is  prepared by boiling finely powdered

roast coffee beans in a pot,  possibly with sugar, 

and serving it into a cup,  where the dregs settle.

to form a muddy, thick coffee mix

Turkish coffee is served hot from

a special coffee pot called “cezve”.

Turkish Coffee

3.0 Espresso x Drip Coffee

  • black eye
  • red eye
  • hammerhead
  • canadiano


Black eye / Red Eye

A cup of drip coffee with

two shots of espresso in it



A cup of drip coffee with

one shot of espresso in it



particularly if the drip coffee is added to the espresso

(rather than espresso to the drip),

punning on an Americano, which is hot water added to espresso.


4.0 Some Interesting Breed

  • Frappuccino
  • Frappé
  • Café Bombón
  • cafe sua da
  • affogato



is a trademarked line of

blended coffee beverages sold by Starbucks.

consists of coffee blended with

ice and various other ingredients,

usually topped with whipped cream.



Frappé coffee

is a foam-covered iced coffee drink

made from instant coffee



Café Bombón

espresso served with sweetened condensed milk

in a 1:1 ratio

Cafe Bonbon


cafe sua da

a.k.a Vietnamese iced coffee

black coffee with about a quarter to a half

as much sweetened condensed milk and

then pouring it over ice.

cafe sua da



(Italian, "drowned")

is a coffee-based beverage or dessert.

It usually takes the form of a scoop of

vanilla gelato or ice cream topped with

a shot of hot espresso.


5.0 Something More At Home for Me

  • Ying Yong
  • Ipoh White Coffee
  • Kopi-O
  • Kopi Susu Panas
  • 3 Colours Blended


Yuanyang (my favourite!!)

pronounced as Ying Yong in Cantonese,

is made of a mixture of coffee and Hong Kong-style milk tea

Yuanyang / Ying Yong / 鴛鴦


Ipoh "white" coffee

The coffee beans are roasted with palm-oil margarine,

and the resulting coffee is served with condensed milk.

it has been adopted as the official drink of Malaysia


during the World Expo 2010 at Shanghai

unfortunately I don’t have a photo of it

because I guess I have never order it


the best I can do is, well…

this is the typical cup and sauce for

all types of coffee served in

a traditional café (Kopitiam) around Malaysia

this is a Malaysian milk tea

but you can imagine

Ipoh white coffee will look something similar

just that there is more foam on the top

Malaysian milk tea



produced by roasting the beans

with sugar, margarine and wheat



Kopi Susu Panas

ground coffee and sweetened condensed milk

similar to Café Bombón as above

Kopi Susu Panas


Three Colours Blend

Gula Melaka x Milk x Tea of Coffee

basically it’s sweetening syrup at the bottom

milk at the middle layer

and the top is either coffee or tea

Three Colours Blend 三色冰