Thursday, May 19, 2011

Not So Loud X Among The Crowd: Putting Back a Smile

everyday life

spiced up by happiness, anxiety, excitement

especially so when you are trapped in this little game


so yesterday

in the middle of texting

I asked you whether you wanna meet up

there I was waiting for like 30 minutes

that’s anxiety of waiting


so you never reply

so you never turn up

and 1 hour later

only you replied an apology

that you fell asleep

okay that’s frustration


today in class

suddenly got a text:

“Stop planting :-X”


“I like your baby blue shirt”

“Its for youSecret telling smile


it almost melted me

okay what ever you have done yesterday

you are forgiven


then for the next one hour

we were texting underneath our bags 

while of course

still concentrating in class


exchanging smiles

across tables


I feel like I am 9 years old again

passing written message with the lover boy

while the teacher is teaching in front


close friend which I hang out with

is saying

last time I was not even bothered to check phone

all the time kept in my bag


all the time clutching to it

looking out for message

texting and smiling


maybe maybe…

*sly smile*