Saturday, May 28, 2011

happy meal x Surprise deal: Spongebob & Peers

CMSC: to my sweethard manager

2011.05.09 Spongebob


first of all

apology for the previous empty promise

failed to get any one of them

2010.12.05 Spongebob KFC


therefore this time round

must get the complete collection

promise said is always much easier than done

therefore decided to keep it as a surprise first

until (if) I managed to collect them all

Spongebob @ McDonald's


I always eat McDonald’s for the sake of toys

and not the food

thank goodness for happy meal

the serving size is still fine for me

and for drinks, there is a choice of

Minute Maids / Ribena / Milo

the much-abhorred fries

can be substituted with Dole’s fruit cup as well


and one good thing about happy meal

is the meal paper box, of course

the colourful, fun filling boxes

sometimes in conjunction with movies

I usually don’t feel like throwing them away

unless it’s already stained

Let the party begin!


well instead of for the sake of keeping

of course the box can be reused as a mini trash bin

underneath your writing desk

mini trash bin


7 sets of happy meals

4  McDonald’s branches

mission accomplished

aha.. 47, isn’t that your lucky number too

Spongebob cup & strawbuddy cup & Patrick strawblushing Spongebob & Patrick watergunCaptain Spongebob's speedboat


why am I doing this?

because that’s what a friend is for



and actually it makes a misrepresentation

to people around me that

I actually like Spongebob

which is not quite so

it’s just 100% “peer-pleasure”

he is always in my iPad huh