Friday, April 29, 2011

High Five X Early Bright: No Sleep Last Night

Hello people

good morning

it’s 6.37 am in the morning

it’s pouring like meow and woof out there

that’s why I am wearing a hoodies

hello people


what did I dream of yesterday?


or something something else?

ahuh?? I don’t wannat talk about it

dream on


goodness me

then I realized

I didn’t sleep at all

I came back at one

I blogged till 3+

I hanged around Facebook

I showered and did my laundry at 5

and after 6

here I am

and the worst of all

I didn’t even make an attempt to sleep



chill Honey chill

maybe I was too excited over my new grey sneakers

my new grey sneakers


you like those sneakers, don’t you

just admit that

but nobody gonna steal them from me

at least not you.. wicked minded!!

i heart my grey sneakers


and I gonna bring my Roxy bag home

so that I can pack my Bikinis and board shorts in there

you know… well preparation for the summer vacation

baby blue.. baby blue.. I love you

Roxy baby blue eco bag


I gonna leave by 8 am back home

so gonna chill for a couple while more

then I will go pack up

goodness heaven

what’s wrong with me

I go back home every week

what’s here to get hyper about?

anyway I gonna wear specs

no contact lens

because I know my dark circles will be obvious

the dark circle shield


and Mama always says

the bad guys will leave the nerdies alone

especially the creepy baldy nerd



by the way

in the Roxy bag

I found these

a pair of Quiksilver flip flops

what I gonna do with them?

I will give them to Pa

he will love them

I am sure he will

Quiksilver flip flops


that’s all from me

for the time being

it’s almost 7 now

I have to get my backpack packed

I have to get my diary written

I have to make sure I don’t leave anything behind

then wake my housemate up at 7.30 am

then have my breakfast

the last 3 pieces of wholemeal bread


speaking of breakfast

I am quite hungry now actually

no sleep - do thing - consume energy

that’s why

and that’s what I had last night

wait a minute

why should I tell you what I had last night

go click on the previous posts

and you will know


till then…






enjoy your weekend

and thank you for not closing the page half way

and thank you for the effort to scroll all the way

good day, people