Sunday, August 9, 2009

My New Home Away From Home

moved in on 8th Aug

right after Rag

then went home

spent a few blurry days here

then left for my KLaving trip


this is the first weekend i spend here

afternoon cleaned up the room

sparkling clean now


welcome to my new home

PGP foyer PGP Square Beverly Hill staircase from foyer another view of PGP Square overview auditorium


transponder activated liftmy home!!my house platetsk tsk tsk printer and stuffs

rainforest viewthe neighbouring rooms across

 dangerously hanging therewelcome to the tropica that's Ms. Elle, my rice cookerand Stan, my lappy my kitchenetteaccesories corner


out of the room

oh man i don't wanna see this pretty good facilities



security and privacy wise

the lift, the cluster gate and room door

are transponder activated

in other words,

i can only go to level 5

and also my own cluster.

so basically this is a small community of 15 people


i know all of my neighbours already

because i volunteered to be the cluster leader

they are generally friendly

some of them are very pro chefs


i like the sun

i like the trees

i like the playground

lovely lovely
