Friday, June 11, 2010

My kind of 5Cs

conventional definition of 5Cs

- credit card

- condominium

- cash

- car

- certificates


5Cs i looking out for

- Camera

- Cantonese

- Cute & Chic

- Craziness

- CDs / other Collection

- Chili addiction (optional)



he must own a proper camera

snap photos at the right time

right angle


and most importantly

i should appear pretty

in those photos he takes

and once in awhile

we will camwhore

as if the other people around are invisible



i love canto pop

and growing up with canto dramas

so he must know canto as well


otherwise it would be quite miserable for him

especially during dinner time

where TVB drama is the side dish


Cuteness & Chic

a guy doesn’t need to be born

with great features

to be attractive

as long as he is cute and

dress up chicly

he will be quite adorable



let’s play when it’s time to have fun

let’s go here and there next week

all work and no play

made Jack a dull boy


Cds & any other Collection

one day we gonna own all the CDs i like

build a music library

all shelves packed

and most importantly

he will pick correctly for sure

what songs i would like to listen to

at a particular moment


other than CD

i love collecting stuffs

toys, clothes, etc etc

so he must be a collector too

but please

not a coin / stamp collector for me

something cooler okay


well i have decided to collect white sneaker

after owning 5 pairs

i simply like guy with white sneakers

we shall build a white sneaker kingdom together


Chili addiction

i put this under optional

because if he couldn’t stand chili

i can finish all by myself

or at least indifferent

because can’t survive meal without chili

spiciness is the greatest taste in life

can’t imagine a guy who is afraid of chili
