Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Escaping from The Igloo

last week

felt really tired at work

everyday i have to work till 10pm

including weekends

hardly see my family


when i was back at night

had supper alone

after supper, too full to fall asleep

stayed up till 2am

woke up the next day at 9am

feeling very tired,

breakfast all alone again


the oily face

the vanilla stink

made me feel very sick


the boring routine

the colleagues who are not

of the same “channel” as me

hardly any fun

so i decided to quit


told the supervisor

“my mom thinks that i been working too late

she is asking me to quit”


“just tell the boss”

she said in a nonchalant voice


alright, 4 weeks of companionship

this was how i was treated

kind of frustrated with her attitude

therefore phoned up the boss

right in front of her


the boss said i can quit

once she gets people to replace me

ok fine…

i will just wait and see


since then

we never talk

for the next 2 hours

i was so torturous

felt like running away

ok.. be patient


then for the next two days

we never talk at all still

till Sunday

her off day


the little bug who was working

only on weekend

told her on MSN that

i wanna quit work


no big deal right

she already knew about it

this is how the cold war exploded

yet what she replied to the little bug

really infuriated me

“tell her to call the boss”

“this is not the place you come and leave as you wish”



she has got Amnesia is it

i already called the boss

right in front of her

what did she mean by saying all these

as the supervisor

ain’t she supposed to be the

communication channel between

me and the boss

but she just pushed all the responsibilities away

and now want to fire me


i couldn’t take it

ok i gonna prepare a great surprise for her

i am not turning up for work tomorrow

you gonna regret


but i still turn up for work on Monday

after my anger has resided

but she asked me

“i thought you are not coming already”

damn it

the bug has told her about the surprise i prepared

so even i didn’t turn up

she wouldn’t be too surprised too


finally smsed my boss again

telling her today is my final day seriously

told her i felt so stressed and isolated there

she accepted it


so my name was deleted from the June duty rooster

thank god i escaped


it was so drama

showing me sour face throughout


without even trying to solve the problem

i guess she just didn’t want her

precious schedule to be disturbed

Mon-Fri 10am to 7pm

Sat        10am to 5pm

Sun        off



everyday till 10pm

no matter coming in at

1pm, 2pm, 4pm or 5pm

another girl even came in from 7pm to 10pm only

we were just complimenting her schedule

there’s no rotation


office politic

in a little Igloo house

with only 4 workers

what a great episode i had
