Friday, January 1, 2010

New Pets for 2010

i had never been to any countdown party

during new year

usually spend the new year

quietly at home


this year is kind of different

mom went for a wedding dinner

me and dad went for

our fav wanton mee and fried oyster

at Bunga Raya


actually we had already planned

the journey ahead in the afternoon

we had targeted a pair of horses

at this exhibition at Ming Xin

but we had not officially walked in

we were discussing about the price


actually we are kind of sick

of all these exhibitions

the sellers always price the items at

ridiculous prices

and pretended to give discount

then they ask you back,

how much you are willing to pay


looking back at

a few of our loots at home

we discover that

we had paid far too much

than what the items worth for


so we just decide stop going anymore

see nothing

then we shall buy nothing


this time round,

we are smarter then

contacted an old friend

he is one of my dad’s gang

in stuffs like that

he already bought quite a lot

from here


so let him get a price quotation

from the seller

then we went

it so happened that

he was there as well

last night


finally the price went down

to what we are willing to pay for

and there we got a pair of horses


i was sitting at the back seats

with them

protecting them all the way

then showered them outside

before bringing them

into the house


welcome home

today dad had preened them

with red ribbons

and name them

吉祥 n  如意

he even discovered

a way to differentiate them


with them

our gods at home

can travel to anywhere

whenever they want to

Welcome home         We are strong horses      We are such chatterboxes       Look, we got preened
