Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I am Fat Again

went home after netball

totally confident that

i have lost weight

after two weeks

i was back in Sg again


last week after work

my colleague was heading to the gym



my boss:

hey, should ask people to go with you

more motivation

Stephy, u look a bit 發福

your face looks fatter


my colleague:

ya, then you should go gym with me


1st day back to NUS

Mak Cik was sweeping the floor

said hi to her

so happy to see someone so close again


Mak Cik:

yang, dah gemuk keh?

tengok bibir

dah naik

(darling, have u grown fat..look at your cheeks…...have grown)


i am so so sad

so so depressed

oh my

two weeks home

and i received two reliable sources

that i have grown fat


no no

it must be my bangs

no no

CNY is just month ago

please go on strict diet

before it is too late


yesterday   washroom.. OMG        back from work, actually   just ignored the arm     again.. ignore the extra flesh
