Monday, December 21, 2009

Jonker Street 雞場街

after our 7 hours of shopping

it’s time to go to Jonker Street

actually nothing much

just that i have never been to this place

for at least 3 years


used to come here quite often

when it first started

with my dad

we frequented antique shops


now that there is flee market

on Sunday morning

we no longer come at night

and my dad always says

all are petty little stalls

selling food, toys etc

it feels more like a night market

actually he is right


actually the place has been transformed

i would not comment

whether the transformation is for good

or the other way round


the place is more lively

crowd everywhere

maybe because it’s school break

but heard that even during ordinary weekend

the crowd is quite huge as well

when we walked along

it’s difficult for us to walk even with usual pace



it’s more like a pasar malam to me

it’s no longer Melaka-ish

loads of Petaling Street stuffs

and toys, hate the irritating rubber chicken

then the fragrance of freshly baked pineapple tarts

the penetrating grilled cuttlefish smell

it has been too too commercialized


the shops also have been transformed as well

catering to tourists and younger shoppers

fashion stores

those shops selling souvenirs,

mainly imported from Thailand and Indonesia


and the interconnected street

where  Geographer Cafe is

Hai San Street

is saturated with bars, bistros

meant for foreign tourists


end of the journey

end-trip photo
