Saturday, October 17, 2009

Nike Backpack Hunt

that day i saw this girl carrying

this pink nike backpack

very much reminded me

of a foolish act i have done

in the craze of shopping



this whole series of funky, colourful backpack

is known as  Nike Bag All Access Halfday

image image image

saw it at Melaka before i went to India

a pink, floral one (not in photo)

Sue-yin offered to help me

to get this bag for cheaper price

because she got some connection

who runs a Nike retailer shop


kept track of the progress with her

while i was at India

and the result was negative

she couldn’t  get it


then i was thinking about the bag so badly

that i sms-ed my dad from India

asking him to go check out the bag for me


poor dad

i sent the sms around 7pm

Malaysian time was around 9 pm

and he rushed to check out the bag for me


then he decided not to buy it

because it didn’t seem like a good choice

very small, thin

his description

“a plain bag,

the Nike tag is the one which elevates the price”


thanks dad


you save me from another wrong choice made

then i met him…


my good old (only 4 months old) sturdy PC

although it costs more than the Nike

but it’s more practical

it’s a laptop bag

uncomplicated designs

comfortable shoulder support

it is the one which carry

all the foods and love from home

across the JB-SG link




after i have taken this photo

then i realized this girl was wearing short skirt

and i was taking it while

walking on ascending staircase

i would have been charged

if someone caught me taking this
