Monday, September 28, 2009

First Day at Work

when i took out my camera

to take down these lovely sceneries

outside my hostel

damn i remembered

i forgot to bring my document

luckily i wasn’t late for work

outside my neighbourhood fountain


see how fat am i now



the building outside

Tradehub 8@Tradehub


the company i working for

my boss's Jaguar


stupid heels that almost killed my feet

Nose Butterfly so painful 


am supposed to work on Monday and Friday

but this Friday i have loads of errand to run for

so going back next week


the work is okay

translating document into Mandarin

how everyone noticed

my USB keyboard

a bit paiseh


bosses and colleagues

are friendly people

it’s not a very stressful working environment

in fact, today 5 part-timers were there

including me and Serene as translator


oh man, Serene is a yr 4

Chinese Studies major

hope my piece of translation

doesn’t lose out too much

if comparison is made


but this company is a developer of HRM system

the boss should have detected

if i am not suitable for the job

so i guess i am well qualified

motivation, skill, knowledge, ability wise

i am competent

(picked up those words from translating product introduction)


last week OL look

for interview

next week i am so gonna wear flip flops

there is this part-time colleague of mine

she is wearing white T and short pants

maybe i will wear knee length pants

but flip flops is a must

stupid heels

interview day



working towards saving $ 1,000
